Tuesday 13 October 2015

Facts You Need to Know About Choctaw Culture

The history of Native Americans dates back to 12000 BC. Among the vast number of Native American tribes, five were called the Civilized tribes - the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek (Muscogee), and Seminole. Let us delve into the details of Choctaw culture

According to the historians, the Choctaws lived along the Mississippi River Valley area for about
1,800 years. Choctaw tribe believes that they are the last of earth’s inhabits to appear. With an estimated population of 20,000, the Choctaw Indian tribe was considered as one of the great nations of western hemisphere. Being the descendants of Mississippian culture, they were skilled in building mounds throughout the river valley. Moreover, they established trade relations with other tribes by using the dugout canoes. There were around 100 agricultural centres in the Choctaw nation and they harvested corn, squash, beans and pumpkin.  When it comes to music and art forms, the tribe were in the forefront for conducting celebrations and performances. Choctaw music and dance songs were passed down from one generation to other through oral traditions. 

Choctaw Indian tribe has a matriarchal society where women play a significant role in the family. Gender equality was another important quality of the Choctaw culture. Even though the men served in leadership position, the tribe placed great importance to the women’s input and advice. Job role of the males included hunting and defending whereas women cultivated lands and looked after the family. The tribe spoke in some dialects of the Muskogean language family. During the World War I and World War II, there were Choctaw code talkers among the U.S Army. Choctaw language was used for the military communications in order to avoid the interception and deciphering of messages by the enemy troops. You may browse through the online Choctaw dictionary or books to learn more about the native language.

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